11 December 2008

I Have Laser Vision

Last night I dreamed about Stephen Colbert. We dined together with friends (some of you were there, although I can't recall exactly which ones, so I'll just pretend I'd moved beyond all of you by then). And then I turned into a freakishly mutated superhero who went on a killing rampage, murdering everyone on earth. And then I travelled to other planets destroying them, too (Saturn got hit the hardest I'm afraid).

Now, you see what happens when you make me hunt for you all over D.C., Stephen?? I KILL THE SOLAR SYSTEM. Now let that be a lesson to you.


Heidi said...

Poor Saturn. At least you were superpower-laden instead of just a plain ole serial killer or something.

Bonny said...

I get a smile on my face every time I see that there's a new post on your blog, even before I read it. That's how much you entertain me.

Gwennifer said...

I often have dreams involving super powers. They usually don't lead to killing sprees spurred by popular television personalities, but hey. That's probably just me.

Jody said...

Does that mean you killed Stephen Colbert too? What a way to end the evening!

Abby said...

You know, I don't recall killing him specifically. I think I remember him running away though.