22 June 2008

Sundays Will Never Be the Same

So Stephanie and I were at a picnic yesterday. As I was leaving with my family I said my farewells and told her I would see her tomorrow (now today) at church. She said something to the effect of, "Expect big changes tomorrow. BIG changes." I took this to mean she would be getting a new calling, which she seemed to confirm. I spent the entire evening and following morning wracking my brain trying to think of what kind of calling adjustment would qualify as a "BIG change." The only logical result I could come up with is that she and several of her cohorts have conspired to stage a coup and will take over the ward with Stephanie leading the congregation Noriega-style. I must admit, I have never been so excited to attend church in all my church-going years! The idea of a religious dictator may prove emotionally unhealthy after some time, but until then I look forward to the New Order and perhaps fancy and outlandish uniforms.

I'll let you know how it turns out.


Holly said...

Hmmm, BIG changes huh?? I wonder if the church is instituting 'snack and nap time' after sacrament meeting??

Abby said...

NOTE TO STEPHANIE: a BIG change for you does not automatically equal a BIG change for me. Stake R.S. secretary?? I've never been so disappointed.

Time to send back the flags.

Abby said...

Oh, and "snack and nap time" is called "Sunday School."

Stephanie B said...

Who says I can't lead a revolution from the background. You better watch out, I'll need some supporters. When you're not looking I'll put a "Stephanie '08" bumper sticker on your car.

Abby said...

While you're doing that I'll be breaking into your house. Just so you know.